Lecture on the basic applications of the construction industry.FUNDAMENTALS
Provide training concepts designed to prepare students for the scholastic criteria required for entrance into a Union Apprenticeship program.
Life Skills
Provide real life experiences in the construction environment.CRITICAL SKILLS
Serve as mentors by providing general discussions regarding the Union and career guidance.
Enhance student’s job ready skills; tests, interview and knowledge.PREPARATION IS KEY
Guest speakers; periodically, sharing their comprehensive experiences as an Apprentice, Journeyman, Business Professional and Executives.
Position you for a job in a union to start your career in the trades.Trade Selection
Provide assistance in selecting a specific trade that fits the student’s lifestyle and goals.
From Outreach To Placement
A diverse, all-encompassing workforce, and strategic partnerships are crucial for companies that want to be successful on a global scale and increase their competitive advantage. Public policy requires workforce diversity and inclusion. Based on those facts, we are building a strong foundation for long term economic growth, business development, and job creation for those who otherwise wouldn’t have known about this industry.

Thalia Morales
My cousin, Jose, told me how his life changed for the better because of a program called PennAssist. He spoke highly about this program and the many different trade careers it offered. Then he mentioned an orientation that was coming up very soon and that I should attend. I decided to go because I was tired of jumping job to job and having very little money to help my family. Orientation day came and I was very nervous walking into a room filled with large and intimidating men. Mr. Walt talked about the program and told us how lucky we were to have this opportunity. If we weren’t ready to make a change in our lives and actually go through the struggle, then we’d never really understand what we truly could achieve. My first job during Orientation was demo work, knocking down a house and cleaning the area to make it into a yard. This was very challenging for me waking up early and being strong mentally and physically but I understood this was something like a “Boot Camp” to see who would stay or go. Many times I thought to myself “I couldn’t do this. I can’t. I just can’t. I’m not strong enough”, but calling Jose to motivate me and push me helped a lot. Talking to another women like Ms. Kylee and Ms. Saege helped me loosen up. I couldn’t give up on myself I was half way there.
My name is Michael Chism and I am a member of the PennAssist class of 2018. I found out about the program through my previous employer, Snider Hockey. After hearing about PennAssist and the opportunities they offered, I immediately was interested in the opportunity to work in the building trades.
I started PennAssist in September of 2018 and from first glance with the teachers and mentors at PennAssist, I knew that this was about to be a life-changing opportunity for me and my family. The curriculum PennAssist presented on the first day was very detailed. They explained what the program sought out of its participants. PennAssist required sacrifice. They required for us to quit our job in return for placement with a union job, so the sacrifice was well worth it!
The staff at PennAssist are awesome, they spend countless hours assessing students at PennAssist to ensure the trade we selected will match our skill level and personality. The instructors are knowledgeable about current math and reading comprehension to prepare us for the apprentice exam. The class culture feels like family. I felt welcomed and wanted amongst my peers and PennAssist staff members.